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House Rules


Smoking is banned from ALL common areas, including lifts, lobbies, stairwells, garage and

ground floor forecourts. Do not throw cigarette butts from your apartment into the

light-well – use an ashtray.


For clarification around the issues regarding smoking, please see the extractions below from Model Rules which are applicable to all residential buildings:


Under the Model Rules for an Owners Corporation, Section 1.1 Health, safety and security of lot owners, occupiers or lots and others;

A lot owner or occupier must not use the lot, or permit it to be used, so as to cause a hazard to the health, safety and security of an owner, occupier, or user of another lot.

(This means that smoke drift is a breach of this rule)


Under the Model Rules for an Owners Corporation, Section 5.1 Behaviour of owners, occupiers and invitees on common property;

An owner or occupier of a lot must take all reasonable steps to ensure that guests of the owner or occupier do not behave in a manner likely to unreasonably interfere with the peaceful enjoyment of any other person entitled to use the common property.


If a resident does not comply with these rules, they will be issued with a Breach Notice costing them $220. The Owners Corporation rules are enforceable in VCAT.


What does this mean?

In simple terms, if you smoke on your balcony or outside of your window and the smoke is disturbing your neighbours, you are in breach of the rules and can be issued with a $220 Breach Notice.


Can I smoke inside my apartment?

Yes, you can smoke inside your apartment providing there is no smoke drift into common areas or neighbouring apartments. The best thing you can do is go outside to the street, away from the building and smoke.


How do I report a smoker?

Firstly, you need to know which apartment it is. It is suggested you speak to your neighbour directly and let them know how much this is effecting you. If you don’t feel comfortable, let Hugo know (during business hours) and he will speak to them. If the issue continues, contact L.R. Reed Melbourne and they will take the matter further.





Common Areas

Common area are to be kept clean at all times.

If there are any spills/dirt in common areas please notify the Building Manager.

Residents will be charged for cleaning if they are found responsible for damage.


Keep fire doors closed at all times.


Do not open your front door to common areas if you have smoke in your apartment (eg. due to burnt food smoke), ventilate your apartment via your interior windows.

Residents may be held responsible for false alarm call outs.


Emergency Evacuation

Floor plans are in each lift foyer. If the alarm sounds, please follow procedure and evacuate when instructed via the stair wells.

Do not disable or cover smoke detectors.

Do not store excess belongings on the balcony.

Do not install anything illegally.



Please ensure your pets are kept clean and quiet at all times.

Tenants – please ensure you have your landlords’ written permission to house a pet.

Pets creating a disturbance or odour will be reported to the Owners Corporation who will inform your landlord. Dogs must be kept on a lead at all times in common areas.

When disposing of pet waste, ALWAYS double bag.


Vacate Cleans

Vacate cleans are only permitted Monday to Friday between the hours of 8am to 4pm.

(Cleaners must be offsite by 4pm)



For a peaceful environments of the other residents, we recommend that contractors work on-site between the hours of 8am and 3pm, Monday to Friday only.

If additional time is required outside of these hours, please liaise with the building manager for approval. No contractors are allowed on-site on the weekend and public holidays unless it is a matter of emergency.



Every resident is entitled to the quiet enjoyment of their apartment at ALL times.

Please be aware that light-wells can increase noise levels, ensure your balcony doors are closed if you are playing music or entertaining. Please be mindful of your neighbours when opening and closing balcony and entry doors at night and when walking through hallways. Remember to turn off your exhaust fans after use.


Noise levels between 10:30pm and 8am, must be kept at a minimum.




Rubbish chutes are located at the end of each floor near Little Collins Street lifts.

Please ensure your rubbish is always properly bagged and that it goes down the chute correctly.

If the chute is blocked – Please bring your rubbish directly to Level 1 - DO NOT leave in the hallway.


Large items of rubbish which do not fit in the chute, such as cardboard, must be brought to Level 1 basement car park and disposed of appropriately. Other rubbish facilities in the Level 1 basement carpark include: recycle bins, clothes donations and electronic waste bins. There are signs indicating this, please read the signs and dispose of your waste responsibly.

Loose recyclables cannot be sent down the rubbish chute. If you wish to recycle, please use the recycle bins provided in the Level 1 basement carpark.




You can also download the Temple Court Information and

Welcome Booklet below for additional rules:








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